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Products Descriptions


A Defoamer or an anti-foaming agent is a chemical additive that reduces and hinders the formation of foam in industrial process liquids. The terms anti-foam agent and Defoamer are often used interchangeably. Commonly used agents are insoluble oils, polydimethylsiloxanes and other silicones, certain alcohols, stearates and glycols. The additive is used to prevent formation of foam or is added to break foam already formed.
In industrial processes, foams pose serious problems. They cause defects on surface coatings. They prevent the efficient filling of containers. A variety of chemical formulae are available to prevent formation of foams.

Properties of Defoamer:-

  • Petroleum Base ( KFS)
  • Silicon Base (D-721)
  • Octanol Base (D-208)

Target Industry:-

  • Anti-Foaming Agent Various Industrial usages


A ceramic is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid material comprising metal, nonmetal or metalloid atoms primarily held in ionic and covalent bonds. The crystallinity of ceramic materials ranges from highly oriented to semi-crystalline, and often completely amorphous (e.g., glasses).The earliest ceramics made by humans were pottery objects, including 27,000-year-old figurines, made from clay, either by itself or mixed with other materials like silica, hardened, sintered, in fire. Later ceramics were glazed and fired to create smooth, colored surfaces, decreasing porosity through the use of glassy, amorphous ceramic coatings on top of the crystalline ceramic substrates.

Properties of Ceramics:-

  • Binder (A-118)
  • Dispersant/Viscosity Remover

Target Industry:-

  • Ceramic Industry

Dry Strength Resin

Dry strength resins are available in both cationic and anionic versions with multiple charge densities and molecular weights. Ambond carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is formulated to be used with dry strength resins to increase wet and surface strength of the sheet. It works for Dry strength, system charge control, wet strength, surface strength, absorption.

Properties of Dry Strength Resin:-

  • CPAM(C-802)
  • GPAM(G-235)
  • APAM(A-118)

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Retention Aid

Retention Aid is the key to cost savings in paper mill. Retention aids are used wet end of the paper mill to improve retention of fine particles, fillers, additives & sizing agent during the formation of paper. Particularly retention aid is need to be added in alkaline paper making process, but not in acidic paper making process because in this process alum act as a retention aid. The modern paper making technology is alkaline paper making process. Moreover modern paper mill operate high speed paper machine and they increased the usage of recycled fibers.


  • Cationic (C-127)
  • Anioinic( 127 A)

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Sugar Industry

M.F Resin

M. F Resin (melamine-formaldehyde resin), Any of a class of synthetic resins obtained by chemical combination of melamine (a crystalline solid derived from urea) and formaldehyde (a highly reactive gas obtained from methane). A complex, interlinked polymer that cures to a clear, hard, chemically resistant resin, melamine formaldehyde is employed in plywood and particleboard adhesives, laminated countertops and tabletops, dishwasher-safe tableware, and automotive surface coatings. The chemical composition of melamine and formaldehyde and the reaction by which these two compounds are polymerized into a thermosetting network of interconnected molecules are described briefly in the article aldehyde condensation polymer.


  • MR

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Ezofix 109

With more pollution problems & with a view to make more reuse of water a lot of mills are re circulating their backwater to the maximum. With this back water a lot of small colloids build up in the systems. These colloids are very small in microns size and are not bonded except to some extent by alum and remain free in flotation form. These are not retained on wire.


  • Removal of Ionic Traces

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Wet Strength Resin

The Amres line of permanent wet strength resins features high solids and is designed for cost-effective performance. Some products are specifically formulated to lower absorbable organic halogen (AOX) levels in paper and effluent streams. Wet strength resins also feature high solids and are formulated to provide excellent softness and to increase shelf-life.


  • PAAE ( W-118)
  • MF Resin(MR)

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Ezopulp 136:

Ezopulp is a series of chemicals used to increase the water absorbency. Absorbent grade paper is a specialized product due to introduction of certain special characteristics namely high water absorbency castor oil penetration (COP) & Porosity water absorbency is affected by the radius of capillaries within the paper. Ezopulp improves the capillary radius and arrangement which helps in increasing the absorbency.


  • Absorbent Kraft

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Surface Sizing

Sizing or size is any one of numerous specific substances that is applied to or incorporated in other material, especially papers and textiles, to act as protecting filler or glaze. Sizing is used in papermaking and textile manufacturing to change the absorption and wear characteristics of those materials; it is the term used for oil-based surface preparation for gilding (and is also known as mordant in this context); and it is used by painters and artists to prepare paper and textile surfaces for some art techniques


  • Cationic ( C-244)
  • Anionic ( A-226)

Target Industry:-

  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Activated Bleaching Earth

Activated Bleaching Earth, also often called Fuller Earth, is a type of clay mine in Asia, England, India, and the United of States. Once obtained from the earth, this mineral-rich substance is processed and use for its absorbing, bleaching, and filtering properties. The Activated Bleaching Earth used for decolorizing and refining oils (like vegetable oils, animal fats, mineral oils, etc) and also for Vegetable Oil Refining is available with the brand name “CAPITAL”.


  • Glosil
  • Glosil Supreme

Target Industry:-

  • Edible Oil

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, activated coal, carbo activatus or an "AC filter", is a form of carbon processed to have small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions. Activated is sometimes substituted with active. Due to its high degree of microporosity, just one gram of activated carbon has a surface area in excess of 500 m2, as determined by gas adsorption.An activation level sufficient for useful application may be attained solely from high surface area; however, further chemical treatment often enhances adsorption properties. Activated carbon is usually derived from charcoal and, increasingly, high-porosity biochar.


  • Carbon- Charcoal Based

Target Industry:-

  • Edible Oil